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Insurance Data

When requesting a full Carrier profile, the insurances field may contain a list of active insurance policy data.

Insurances Object

policy_numberstringThe policy number of the insurance
docketstringDocket type and number
company_namestringName of the insurance provider
ins_classstringThe type of the class of the insurance policy
ins_form_codestringType of insurance form filed
ins_typestringThe type of insurance coverage (BIPD, Cargo, Bond, Trust Fund)
effective_dateDateDate insurance becomes effective
coverage_fromnumberLower bound of policy coverage
coverage_tonumberUpper bound of policy coverage
Non-BIPD Policies

For non-BIPD policies, the coverage amount might be displayed as '0'. This should be interpreted as the company has a policy of the given type, but the coverage limit is not known.

Example Insurances Data

Here is an example of the type of information that might be contained in an insurances object:

"policy_number": "ABC123456Z",
"docket": "MC123456",
"company_name": "Great Western Insurance Company",
"effective_date": 2023-09-28T12:00:00.000+00:00,
"ins_class": "Primary",
"ins_form_code": "83",
"ins_type": "BIPD",
"coverage_from": 0,
"coverage_to": 1000000