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Hazmat Certifications

When requesting a full Carrier profile, the hazmat_data field might contain a list of Hazmat Certification Data from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).

Hazmat Object

hazmat_idstringCertificate Identification Number
addr_streetPhysical Street Address
addr_cityPhysical City
addr_statePhysical State
addr_zipPhysical Zip Code
addr_countryPhysical Country
dunsstringDun and Bradstreet Number
company_namestringName of company holding the hazmat cert
contact_namestringName of the contact for the hazmat cert
start_dateDateStarting date of hazmat cert
end_dateDateEnding date of hazmat cert
date_registeredDateDate of registration with the PHMSA
small_businessbooleanConsidedered a small business by the PHMSA
air_transport_approvedbooleanAir transport allowed under cert
highway_transport_approvedbooleanHighway transport allowed under cert
rail_transport_approvedbooleanRail transport allowed under cert
water_transport_approvedbooleanWater transport allowed under cert
start_yearstringYear the certification begins
end_yearstringyear the certification ends

Examplel Hazmat Certification Data

Here is an example of the type of information that might be contained in a hazmat_data object:

"hazmat_id": "0245878542FH",
"addr_city": "Houston",
"addr_country": "USA",
"addr_state": "TX",
"addr_street": "4206 Western Ave",
"addr_zip": "91234",
"duns": "1651646843",
"company_name": "Acme Battery Company",
"contact_name": "Elmer Bunny",
"start_date": 2024-02-12T12:00:00.000+00:00,
"end_date": 2024-02-12T12:00:00.000+00:00,
"date_registered": 2024-02-12T12:00:00.000+00:00,
"small_business": false,
"air_transport_approved": true,
"highway_transport_approved": true,
"rail_transport_approved": false,
"water_transport_approved": false,
"end_year": "2025",
"start_year": "2023"